
“Our desire is to provide the best plaster job we can.  Our experience has shown that Structa Wire is superior to other lathing products and does help to minimize cracking”.

– Josh Shaffstall, Best Interiors Inc.


“V Truss Walls and Ceiling is a great product.  It is easy to install, and it has reduced our cracking considerably.   We are now using it on all our ceiling applications.”
Van Gerritsen, Gerritsen Drywall & Plastering Inc
Walls & Ceilings – Top 50 Contractors 2014-2015


“We are impressed with the performance of  the plaster on Staybridge Hotel project.  We used  Structalath for the walls and Vtruss Rib for the soffits and there was no visible cracking even without the recommended control joints.”
– Paul Bella, Superintendent, Pete Ayon Plastering


“After completing a technical review of Structa products, we were impressed with the test documentations and successes of the products in the field – LAUSD will include these products in our Master specification going forward.”
– Pablo Schoeb, Design & Specifications Mgr. Los Angeles Unified School District


“Richartz Plastering, Inc. services one of the most demanding markets in the nation, so switching to Structalath and Megalath years ago was not a difficult decision to make. Structa Wire products immediately added strength to our three coat “Smooth” systems and improved our crack reduction. Match their products with customer service that’s second to none, in a time when personalized service is hard to find, it’s easy to understand why we made the move.”
– Scott Richartz, Richartz Plastering, Inc.


“L.A. Lath And Plaster Inc. has recently approved exclusive use of Structa Wire products for use on multi-unit mixed use residential projects. The company cites some of the reasons for its approval: 1. Superior performance in reduction of stucco cracking on walls and soffits. 2. Ease of handling, installation and fastening. 3. Quick field responses from a professional knowledge-based staff that has been proven to be invaluable for a complete lath and plaster system.”
– Gary Kemp, L.A. Lath And Plaster Inc.


“We have experienced 30% labor savings by switching to Mega Lath from 3.4 lb Diamond Lath.”
– Project Manager, Magnum Drywall


“Structalath wall remains crack free. This is an anomaly I never expected. The Structalath is the ONLY product that should be used”   

–Robert Koning, Contractors Institute, Florida


“V Truss Walls & Ceilings performs better than ‘rib lath’ for our overhead work – it is the only product we use now for soffits.”
– Lathing Superintendent, Kenyon Plastering


“We only use V Truss Walls & Ceilings for our overhead work. Results are great – simple to use and we consistently get a smooth even finish – every time.”
– Jim Morales, Vantage Plastering


“We are substituting Mega Lath and Twin Trac regularly for our multi-family projects. Our lathers prefer it and the product has proven itself with fewer callbacks.”
– Sean Cooney, Berger Bros. Plastering


“Jo Val Lath & Plaster has been using the product since 2007 and we have been pleased with its performance.”
– Walter B. Aguilar, President Jo Val Lath & Plaster – Montgomery, Texas


“Since Kenyon Plastering switched to Structalath, we have seen a big reduction in cracking on our 3 coat stucco work.”
– Dave Barry, President, Kenyon Plastering


“I’ve been using Structa Rib (V Truss Walls & Ceilings) for the past year and I am convinced that this is the real deal.”
– Byron “Wayne” Sylvester, R W Stucco, Las Vegas


” We love Structa Wire’s products and we don’t need to see how it is made to endorse and sell it.”
– Jim Watson, President, Raymond Group


“We have switched much of our work from other laths to Structa Twin Trac because our lathers prefer it – it rolls out easy, stays flat and saves time on the job.”
– Owner, Generation Plastering


“As one of the first applicators of Structalath in California, I can attest to the fact that after using this product we’ve had considerably less complaints about cracking. The furring of this wire is unsurpassed. Excellent product!”
– Roger Grackenbach, California Plastering, Sun Valley, CA