Prepared: February 12, 2013
Structa Wire approves the use of Staples with Structa products based upon fastener attachment testing performed by Intertek ETL Semko on Structalath No 17 SFCR II Lath in accordance with ICC-ES AC 191 Section 3.6.4 protocol.
The fasteners evaluated were a construction staple – No 16 gauge, one inch leg length and 7/8 inch crown. The attachment with these staple fasteners was evaluated in the following 3 fastening patterns:
- Staples at the midpoint on a horizontal longitudinal wire
- Staples at the intersections of vertical and horizontal wires
- Staples on the vertical furring device
The test results for each were: | |
Longitudinal wire | 208 lbs |
Intersection of wires | 153 lbs |
On furring | 270 lbs |
The minimum requirement per the standard is 100 lbs.
Therefore the Structalath SFCR II attachment with staples met the minimum requirement in all potential fastening locations.
As a result of these test results, Structa Wire Corp was issued ESR-2017 which allows fastening in all of these orientations with staples. The other requirement is that the fastening also complies with ASTM C1063. For example, if sheathing is incorporated, the fastener length must be increased to achieve penetration into the structural framing not less than ¾ inch (Section